Safe Ride Service Usage Policy



To ensure a positive experience for both clients and volunteers, Operation Red Nose has designed strict policies as part of its commitment to provide a free, efficient, and safe ride service. These policies play a crucial role in ensuring the satisfaction and well-being of all involved participants in Operation Red Nose.


Here are the policies and limitations in place:


  1. Personal Service: The service is available only for those users planning their own safe ride. If a request is made on behalf of a third party, please contact your local headquarters for instructions.
  2. Respecting Volunteers : Please show respect to volunteers who generously give of their time to provide the safe ride service. Aggressive, disrespectful, or discriminatory behavior toward volunteers will not be tolerated.
  3. Free Service: The Operation Red Nose safe ride service is provided free of charge to users. No fee will be invoiced for the rides provided. However, donations are greatly appreciated, and are turned over to the non-profit organization in charge of coordinating the safe ride service in your community.
  4. Number of Seats Available: Your vehicle must have the have enough seatbelts for all passengers, including two volunteers. No extra passenger will be allowed to ride aboard the team escort vehicle.
  5. Availability : The safe ride service is provided according to the availability of volunteers. Although Operation Red Nose strives to meet the demand, there may be periods of time during which the service is limited because of a smaller number of volunteers available, because of high demand, or because weather conditions are not safe. In any situation of non-availability of the safe ride service, we encourage users to explore other options to get home safe.
  6. Territorial and Distance Limitations : To ensure optimal coverage and efficiency of the service, limitations may be applied in terms of territory and distance covered to provide rides.
  7. Direct Itinerary : Volunteers must follow the most direct itinerary possible and avoid excessive detouring to ensure optimal efficiency of the service.
  8. Confidentiality :Operation Red Nose commits to putting in place all necessary procedures and taking all required measures to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the personal information entrusted to its care. For further information, please see the Confidentiality and Data Protection Policy on our Website.
  9. Pickup Time : The person using the service must be ready to leave as soon as the team of volunteers arrives. If the person is absent and cannot be located in a reasonable amount of time, the ride request will be cancelled.
  10. Accuracy of Information : When a person requests a ride, it is essential that they provide certain information to Operation Red Nose, such as their first name, last name, address of their current location, address of destination, the model and color of their vehicle, and a phone number. This information must be precise, complete, and accurate. Errors in the information provided may result in the ride request being cancelled.
  11. Presence of Pets: The presence of an animal is tolerated, provided it is properly secured and does not pose a threat to the safety of the volunteers inside the vehicle. The presence of an animal in the service user’s vehicle must be mentioned when requesting the ride. If a volunteer does not feel safe, they may cancel the ride or contact headquarters to obtain assistance.
  12. State of the Vehicle : Your vehicle must be in good mechanical condition to ensure the safety of both volunteers and passengers. Brakes, lights, wipers, and other essential equipment must be in perfect working order. Further, your vehicle must be equipped with winter tires, per provincial regulations, to ensure better adherence and safety on snow covered or icy roads.
  13. Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device : Your vehicle must not be fitted with an alcohol ignition interlock device, to preserve the safety and hygiene of the volunteers. If such equipment is present, the ride request will be automatically cancelled.
  14. Respecting Safety Rules : At all times, you must follow safety instructions provided by the volunteers.


Non-compliance with these policies may result in the ride request being cancelled, and in certain situations, in permanent exclusion from access to the safe ride service. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation which help guarantee the safety and proper functioning of this service offered free of charge by non-profit organizations and volunteers who generously donate their time.