and Operation Red Nose


A 40-year ride keeping you safe with Operation Red Nose


Operation Red Nose is celebrating its 40th anniversary! That's 4 decades of helping people get home safely after holiday festivities. Desjardins is proud to have partnered with the service from the very start. It seemed only natural to join forces with another organization that also works closely with people and communities.





You can only imagine the stories we've racked up over 40 years — and the people we've met! Check out what some of the volunteers had to share:



I had a really funny experience the year I volunteered with Operation Red Nose. We get a call for a ride and the clients tell us they're at a restaurant called L'affaire est Ketchup [The business is ketchup] in the Saint-Roch neighbourhood. But because they couldn't find a spot, they had to park at another restaurant called Le Coin de la Patate [Potato corner]. "We're at the Ketchup restaurant, but the car is at the Potato corner." We were pretty sure it was a prank, but soon realized the 2 restaurants were actually located a block apart! So we just decided to pick up a potato to go. With some ketchup on the side, of course!



Volunteer 2014

Volunteer to make lasting memories





When I volunteered for Operation Red Nose, we got a call one night to pick up a guy. We, the volunteers, got into his car to drive him home. As the driver, I found the car to be really comfortable and I loved how smooth the ride was. The client and I started talking about cars and he ended up telling me about all the great features of his car the whole way home. He sold me on it! A few weeks later, I bought the very same model. My volunteer work really cost me a lot that year! Jokes aside, I loved this car and I have purchased the same brand ever since.



Volunteer 2016 to 2019


Volunteer to make lasting memories





Message from Operation Red Nose's Honorary President

“Operation Red Nose has been a tremendous collective success for 40 years now! Desjardins has been a proud partner supporting its mission from the very start. It's a mission made possible every year through the support of thousands of volunteers, to whom I offer my most sincere thanks. Without you, nothing would be possible! Happy 40th!”


Isabelle Garon

Executive Vice-President, Marketing, Communications, Cooperation and President's Office of Desjardins Group and Honorary President of the 40th annual Operation Red Nose ride program


Volunteer for a good cause


40 years is worth celebrating!

What better way to mark this important occasion than with a birthday cake that tells the story of a holiday ride. From the party to home, everyone arrives safely.




About Operation Red Nose

Operation Red Nose is a non-profit organization that promotes responsible behaviour to prevent driving while impaired. The organization provides a volunteer chauffeur service, the benefits of which are redistributed to help finance projects for youth and amateur sports, as well as other awareness activities.